Services Price List
Elite Viewing Service
Elite Viewing Service, 5 properties, hand picked up and viewed, and presentations arranged in investor pack for your convenience.

Let us find one of the properties for you, arrange a viewing on your behalf, view and do a video walk-through with a full advanced opinion report in the form of a presentation and offer placed on your behalf.
Breakthrough Property Strategy Call
  • 1 hour 1 on 1 call
  • 1 month access to Q and A on your strategy and
  • 1 month email feedback

Clarify your strategy and get a four weeks action plan to take your property investment to the next level. Elena will personally support you by email 4 weeks after the strategy call.
1 Hour Consultation/ Dealing with Property Investing Questions outside the quoted service per hour
Buy to Let Property Find Service
£2 999
Benefit from fantastic rental values and capital appreciation in Leeds and the area.
Refurbishment Facilitation
£2, 999 per full refurbishment 2-3 bed buy to let property.
Our attention to detail will leave your investment property impeccable and an experienced refurbishment team will meet the deadlines.
Book Consultation
Buy to Let Bundle
£4 999

Why pay more if you can have it all and save time and money investing like a true armchair hands- off investor! Our best value offer includes:
  • Onboarding
  • Property find
  • Deal supervision
  • Refurbishment facilitation
  • Tenant find and tenancy set-up
Book Consultation
Bespoke Portfolio Creation Service
1 year, 40 properties sourced and managed £100 000.00
For those who want more!
Benefit from fantastic rental values and capital appreciation in Leeds and the area and scale exponentially
Group Investor Day
  • Be confident in your numbers and build portfolio with ease!
  • Free for a limited time only! (usual price £500)
  • See it with your own eyes! Investment area, street we invest in, live projects - and discover collaboration opportunities with us.
Enquire about Investor Day
Sell your property
with us
£1,000 or 2% of sold price whichever is greater.
Letting Service
Monthly Management Fee*
9% Tenant Find Fee from £300
*Additional charges apply, please see terms and conditions specific to the service.
Relocation service
£1,000 includes consultancy, rental proeprty search and settling in services and consultancy for clients wanting to rent in the UK